Friday, October 15, 2010

Paris - City of Stairs

So many experiences to remember in Paris. Loved it, loved it, loved it. But I have to say there are a lot of stairs in Paris.

Hotel St Andres des Arts - our beautiful hotel. Our room is located troiseme etage (3rd floor). Two flights was fine it was the third one that killed us every time. No lift. Which given the experience in Budapest may be a good thing. The lift there dropped 6 inches every time you stepped into it and it was built during the cold war sometime when Hungary was very eastern bloc.
Catacombs - buried deep below the city. A single spiral staircase down and the same back up albeit a few blocks away.
Le Louvre - an exceptionally large building with three wings of four floors each. These have escalators - great. However not one of these floors is a single level. They all go up and down with many staircases just to break things up - I think?
Tour Eiffel - congestion in the lifts? No wonder who would use the stairs? Even though the queue is much shorter.
Every French Cafe - apparently a design feature is to locate the restrooms below the ground floor. Always to be found down a narrow spiral staircase in the floor somewhere.
Metropolitan - the infamous Paris Metro. Great way of getting around but the number of stairs will vary greatly depending on the age of the line you wish to take.

Anyway, we all got some exercise! I can feel it doing me good.

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