
Water Shortage? What water shortage?
In France they have a lot of pet dogs and yet they keep their streets very clean. There are some cute ordinances for this:

But the most interesting way they keep Paris clean is shown below. This happens every morning! Flush them!

Crete was an interesting place, with possibly the most impressive scenery I have seen in Greece. Forbidding and rocky mountain ranges, cut through with deep gorges and valleys; and Bali beach simply beautiful.  However, I think this rugged appeal is offset by the run-down look of the towns and country side. We went to some places in the mountains that seemed to have been denuded by overgrazing and poor land management. This was confirmed in conversations we had with our hosts in Chania, and I had read that Iraklio was famous for its poor management and preservation of its ancient sites.

Greek Fashion?
The greek ladies have little fashion sense. I have seen some of the most inappropriate outfits on larger ladies and the big hair is real! Not just a comedians dream. But the worst thing has got to be the English and German tourist gentleman parading around the streets sans shirt!!! I wouldn't mind so much if there were six packs to be seen but the only six pack these guys have seen recently has been of the beverage variety. Huge bellies and bright sunburn. Eeeewwwww.

Is it written on our faces?
What is it with people just coming out of the blue and sharing with me? Mehmet’s brother Octi was very talkative and spoke to us about his hobby as a paleontologist. Next thing we know he is declaring “I don’t believe in evolution though – do you?” Geoff and I happened to be half through Richard Dawkins excellent tome – ‘The Greatest Show on Earth”. Couldn’t help ourselves – we told the truth. I even have thoughts of sending Octi a copy but haven’t found one written in Turkish yet (have seen one in Greek though).

Who needs an Address?
Book a hotel, arrive in the city you think it is in and drive around until you find it. Call the proprietor and they will likely say something like - "Go to Ladies Beach". An english name for a Turkish place? Finally found it on the front of a bus. Follow that bus! In Samos it was find Agia Matronas (just ask someone). I could tell you the address but no-one would know it if you asked them. Local taxi driver in the town square points to a blue dome and says that's not it - it's past that one. Narrow streets mostly one way. I am surprised that we find anything but we do. On Chios our hotel was 'behind the port on the way to the airport'. Bad luck our ferry was three hours late and it was 1:30 in the morning before we arrived. Found it!

Most Common Turkish Word - SATILIK
Closely followed by EMLAK. When you work out what they mean you will understand what I am saying. As Geoff is fond of saying - in Turkey you looked at you, you bought it! 

Elvis, Jesus and Coca Cola
I read once that these three words were universal across all languages and that everyone in the world knew them. Driving through the countryside of a mostly muslim country I thought we could change them to - 
Elvis, Coca Cola and (H)Otel!

One Way Streets in Turkey
Ever noticed how one way just refers to the direction the car is facing not the direction it is travelling in?

Cost of Wifi and Water
We pay way too much for internet and bottled water in Australia. These things are free or less than 50c a bottle (large or small and cold).

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