
Glace au Caramel Beurre Sale
Roughly translated this is Salted Caramel Butter Ice Cream. Anyone who knows what salted caramel tastes like will be after this one. The French certainly have something to brag about when it comes to food. We had the Salted Caramel Butter Ice Cream with a large Macaron au Chocolat - very nice... But I also had a Fondant au Chocolat avec Glace Violetta. I have to tell you violet flavoured ice cream with rich, gooey chocolate is also - very nice...!
Kaiserschmarrn unt Dampfnudel
When in Munich where else to visit but the Hofbrauhaus! What a treat! They feed 3,500 people in a sitting! After the obligatory roast pork and more pork... suckling pig, pigs knuckles, crackling ... Time for dessert - local delicacies are Kaiserschmarrn and Dampfnudel. Alex loved the Dampfnudel and we had met a local German girl on the train and she had recommended the Kaiserschmarrn so we just had to try it. Both were delicious but we also had the Apple Strudel and it was the best! Should have had more in Vienna when we were there.

Kurtoskalacs: A Translyvanian Treat

As you all know, Translyvania used to be part of Hungary and one of its nicest pastries is the Kurtoskalac. These are for sale by street vendors near the Szechenyi bridge across the Danube River. We bought ours at the local supermarket and I can vouch for how good they are. Taste slightly of oranges.

Samian Wine

Samaina Sec
A staple of our meals in Samos was the ubiquitous bottle of local white wine. The really cool thing about this wine was that it cost the same as beer (almost) and came in a 500ml bottle topped with a cap. I think wine in a small bottle with a beer bottle type cap could really take off in Australia. One for the ladies!
The other wine in Samos is the Nectar which tastes something like a muscat / tokay. As you can see we have been tasting some recently. Quite nice after dinner.


We had dinner at Balos Beach on the south-west side of Samos last Saturday at a Cypriot restaurant ("The Stella") and had a wonderful time - the waiter was really attentive and the proprietor/chef/mama came out to chat. The wood-fired oven everything was made in was outside in the same courtyard as the guests. The waiter jumped between serving and putting things in the oven and taking things out of the oven - inside for plating. The waiter and his mother were both surprised that I recognised the "Loukoumades" (donuts in honey) that were complimentary after the meal. A legacy of living next door to Greeks in Maroubra as a kid was early knowledge of Greek food ("what's that smelly cheese").

Greek Starters

Once in Greece it took us a few days to remember our last time here and our love of Saganaki (Fried Haloumi). We have now discovered starters at all Tavernas must include Saganaki and Fried Courgette (Zucchini) or Aubergines (Eggplant). Alex is a big fan and asks for these on his iPod whenever we arrive at a Taverna. We go for a Mythos (Greek Beer at 2euro for 500ml and a Coke for Als - which is never large enough). 

Went to the Meltemi Taverna the other night in Kokkari (which is a touristic area on Samos). They had their own special Saganaki - Meltemi. Fried Haloumi smothered in local honey and sesame seeds served with bacon.You can't do much better if you are looking for a heart attack! I think Geoff licked the plate.

You'll all be glad to know we have now added a Greek Salad (lack of vegetables is catching up with us) that includes a local Samian Feta that is too good to miss!

Turkish Gozleme

Found this great little family restaurant next door to our hotel in Sultanahmet. It was called Asli Gozleme and the women made it in the front window of the shop when you ordered it.

The family here loved Alex and one of the boys called him 'Amigo'. Apple tea was on the house whenever we were wandering back to our hotel each night. No link - they have no internet presence so you will just have to go there.