Friday, September 10, 2010

African Agenda

Just finished making all the arrangements for our trip to Africa. Thankful we had the internet, how else could it have been done? This leg of the odyssey is looking very exciting and we thank Vanessa at go2africa for all her advice and help. Just don't ask how much this cost...

19Oct - 2Nov Nairobi, Kenya
A 6-day safari arranged in Amboseli and Masai Mara national parks. The safari details are here. Staying at the Fairview Hotel whilst in Nairobi and haven't worked out yet what else we will do - the national museum here holds all the original fossils for early human ancestors mentioned specifically in Richard Dawkins book we both just read.

2Nov- 19Nov Windhoek, Namibia (via Johannesburg)
Self-drive itinerary planned and booked in a Nissan Navara (of all things) most roads are gravel but good quality (go figure)
This tour includes famous stopovers like the Waterberg Plateau and Etosha national parks. Other strangely named places like: SwakopmundDamaraland and the famous Sossusvlei dunes. 

19Nov- 27Nov Okavango Delta, Botswana
There are several small charter flights here (which Geoff is less than happy about)
Small but commercial flight (Air Namibia) from Windhoek to Maun then a charter flight to the Central Kalahari Desert and a place called Nxai Pan. It appears all the lodges here are all expenses included and very expensive.
Next charter flight via Maun to Xugana Island Lodge for a couple of days then another charter flight to Savute Safari Lodge (they have their own airstrips) both in the Okavango Delta and finally a charter flight to Chobe national park.

27Nov- 30Nov Livingstone, Zambia
Apparently we can get a lift to the border crossing and a visa should be no problem (yeh right). We get to see Victoria Falls from the Zambian side because the other side is Zimbabwe and we won't go there on the advice of the Australian Government. Stanley Safari Lodge in an open cottage looks very plush to me. Although all the other accommodation looks just as open and just as good - see the list below if you are interested.

30Nov- 1Dec Johannesburg, South Africa
Back to JoBurg for a little rest before our flight back to Australia.

All this sounds pretty good to us. We are getting excited and we still have 3 weeks in Greece and 3 weeks in Europe (still to plan) before we get there!

Accommodation in Africa - these places are amazing and varied:

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