Monday, September 20, 2010

Where are we going to stay now we are in Crete?

Our accommodation plans for Crete had not been entirely successful. We were booked into Lefka apartments from the 23rd, but had nowhere to stay until then. So the plan became: set out from Iraklio and see what we could find. The first place that looked appealing was Bali Beach (not that one, the other one), set in a picturesque bay with beautiful water and peaceful outlook. We stopped for lunch and were pleasantly surprised at the high quality of the greek menu (food that is, not the menu itself). Given the prices, this made it arguably the best value we had had in Greece.

There were a couple of hotels with rooms all with a balcony view of the bay, but sadly no vacancies. So we headed onward to Sfekaki where we looked for Alkionis apartments, which we had researched on the net. Finding places in Greece is not so easy (see earlier blog), but we always seem to follow our nose and stumble upon the very place we are looking for. This was the case with Alkionis which we spotted from the highway as we flew by. At 55 euros a night, they were pretty good value, although not as clean as most places, it was roomy and had a great view of the ocean.

On the down side, the beach was not clean either, with the sand and water having lots of sticks and other debri; and the beds (OMG); the beds were small and had bedboards which squeaked so much we were afraid to move, and so getting a good night's sleep was a challenge.

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